Located in beautiful Crystal Springs MS, get a slice of that small town Mississippi lifestyle at affordable prices!
2024 Clayton Elation 3bd/2ba homes, 14x66, 902 sq ft Home price: $70k Home price at Hamilton Oaks: $73,500 (due to grinder Pump)
2024 Clayton Sensation 4bd/2ba homes 16x76, 1,140 sq ft (single wide) Home price: $79,000 *Home must remain in park for 10 yrs Home is set up with an exterior package, complete with new appliances, new front 8x8 deck, back steps, new skirting and new central air/heat installed. Feel free to see the 3D tour below: https://momento360.com/e/uc/6fe7651ff5c44903887d8a269dbaa94c?utm_campaign=embed&utm_source=other&reset-heading=true&size=large&upload-key=3fb32b876e37459488491e46e649d8ab